
Telecoil bands for sale!!:DDD
Selling real cheap cheap!:D

Material of tele-coil band: Plastic

Ever wondered how to tie your hair with volume?Ever experienced pain removing your hair band while hair's wet?Ever fret over the colors of the rubber band that you should get?
Well, worries no more! The new-launched Rainbow TeleCoilBand would solve all your problems.

Benefits of Rainbow Tele-Coil Band:
1. Suitable for thin or thick hair, long or short hair
2. While adjusting, the band doesn't tightly grab your hair unlike those X Brands bands
3. Make your hairdo as loose as you want like any Korea celebrities have
4. While your hair's wet, you can just pull the pull out the band, without any pain
5. It doesn't break off like any other bands would:D

Buy1 Telecoil band -$0.80
Buy3 Telecoil band-$2.20
Buy6 Telecoil band-$4.20
Grab urs now!:D
 If u want to buy more , do inform me !:D
will give u special discounts.
12/20 cappings.
Anna- 12 telecoil bands.
Left 8 more , hurry , cap now !:D